Today I’ve released updated versions of the All-In-One Gap Scan and the % and $ Gap Columns.
The improvements to the columns were just to fix a small error I found. But for the scan, several big improvements have been implemented …
- Choose both min/max gap % size
- Choose both min/max gap $ size
- Choose whether you only want to scan for gaps that haven’t filled yet
- Choose whether the gap needs to be “significant” — i.e., gapping above the prior high, or below the prior low (completely outside the range of the prior day’s candle)
- Choose whether the gap needs to be a “pro” or “tier 1” or “shock” gap — i.e., gapping over a prior day red candle, or gapping under a prior day green candle, adding “shock value” to the gap
This single all-in-one scan works during the extended hours / premarket / aftermarket, and continues working as the regular trading hours begin, so you only need to use one scan all day long.
The other change is that the $ and % values are now all calculated from the prior close instead of the high/low, just for consistency, and whether the gap is over/under the prior day’s candle is specified as a separate criterion in settings, which can be turned on/off at will. This will help keep things consistent and logical no matter what type of trading you do.