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New All In One Gap Scan + Columns

Today I’ve released updated versions of the All-In-One Gap Scan and the % and $ Gap Columns.

The improvements to the columns were just to fix a small error I found. But for the scan, several big improvements have been implemented …

  1. Choose both min/max gap % size
  2. Choose both min/max gap $ size
  3. Choose whether you only want to scan for gaps that haven’t filled yet
  4. Choose whether the gap needs to be “significant” — i.e., gapping above the prior high, or below the prior low (completely outside the range of the prior day’s candle)
  5. Choose whether the gap needs to be a “pro” or “tier 1” or “shock” gap — i.e., gapping over a prior day red candle, or gapping under a prior day green candle, adding “shock value” to the gap

This single all-in-one scan works during the extended hours / premarket / aftermarket, and continues working as the regular trading hours begin, so you only need to use one scan all day long.

The other change is that the $ and % values are now all calculated from the prior close instead of the high/low, just for consistency, and whether the gap is over/under the prior day’s candle is specified as a separate criterion in settings, which can be turned on/off at will. This will help keep things consistent and logical no matter what type of trading you do.

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How to Customize the ThinkOrSwim PreMarket Gap Scanner’s Parameters


Premarket Gap Scanner for ThinkOrSwim:

This video shows how to customize the volume, average volume, price ranges, and average true range / ATR parameters for my Pre-market Gap Scanner package for ThinkOrSwim.

Every trader is different, and we each focus on different types of stocks. Maybe you like playing opening drive momentum trades on low-float stocks early in the morning. Maybe you’re looking to play the first pullback on a trend day. Or maybe you’re looking for 1-2-3 patterns on 2 and 5 minute charts.

All of these plays might require different volume, average daily volume, and average true range requirements when you’re scanning for gaps in the pre-market. So this video will walk you through how to change and customize those settings in ThinkOrSwim, without having to do any coding in Thinkscript.

Find out more and purchase the scanner at this link:

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Scanning for Gaps in the Pre-Market with ThinkOrSwim


ThinkOrSwim’s built-in scans don’t allow you to scan for gaps in the pre-market, they only work after the open. Because of this, most traders are forced to pay huge monthly fees for premium scanners like Trade-Ideas or Pristine’s ESP scanner. So I developed these custom scans using TOS ThinkScript to help find the best stocks forming gaps in the premarket, using the free market data and scanning tools in the ThinkOrSwim platform.