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Huge Database of FREE ThinkOrSwim Indicators and ThinkScript Downloads

Thinkorswim Downloads: free thinkorswim indicators chart studies scans and strategies

ThinkOrSwim Downloads Master List of FREE ThinkScripts!

Check out this HUGE list of free ThinkOrSwim downloads and thinkScripts! With most of the indicators and studies I program for my trading, I put a lot of time and energy into them in order to make sure they’re professional quality and offer a premium value — that they’re not just rehashing old chart studies that are already available, and have options that traders can use to customize them to their own trading. But there are also a lot of good free thinkScripts out there that do useful things too. And I do get asked about where to download free thinkorswim indicators from time to time, so in true Josiah fashion, I decided I wanted to deliver and go massively above and beyond in providing value, even for something that is completely FREE!

What This Is

This post contains a massive collection of free thinkorswim downloads that the authors have made available without charge on the web through the ThinkOrSwim sharing platform’s special sharing links feature. These thinkScript downloads are not my own, so I don’t warrant or offer any kind of support for them. And I’m not hosting them on my own site, I’m only linking to the downloads on TD Ameritrade’s servers where the authors posted them for free. But I wanted to provide a good one-stop resource for people looking for free thinkorswim resources, custom quote columns, scanners, chart studies, technical indicators, and strategies for the thinkorswim platform, and this list should definitely do that for you!

How to Install thinkScripts and ThinkOrSwim Downloads – First Things First

To install ThinkOrSwim downloads and indicators from these links, there are 2 options: either click the link and then the green button on the next page, OR simply copy the link, select “Setup” on the upper right of your ThinkOrSwim application, and select “Open shared item…” Then paste in the link and open it that way. Sometimes the first method doesn’t work depending on how you have your app installed, so sometimes the second method is the best way.

Download Custom Scans & Scanners for ThinkOrSwim

Download ThinkOrSwim Custom Indicators & Studies

Download Random ThinkOrSwim Studies and ThinkScript Indicators
Download Mobius’ ThinkScripts for ThinkOrSwim

Download Think Or Swim Quotes & ThinkScript Custom Columns for MarketWatch, StockHacker, and Sidebar Watchlists

ThinkOrSwim Downloads – Scripts for Stock, Options, Futures and Forex Trading Strategies

Download The Complete ThinkOrSwim SwimLessons ThinkScripts Archive

All of the past SwimLessons about ThinkScript have been archived for download, and here is the complete list courtesy of TOS Support. It’s an incredible wealth of thinkScripts that should keep you busy for awhile!

ThinkScript Watchlist Custom Quote Columns – Download Below
ThinkOrSwim Downloads of Chart Studies / Indicators / Alerts:
Download ThinkOrSwim Scans / Scanners & Stockhacker ThinkScripts

IMPORTANT: after you import any Scan, go to Scan tab and click on top right menu icon to select the saved query.  Then edit the filters and add any extra filters, and select watchlist of symbols with liquid options top left Scan In.  Now click on top right menu icon and Save Query to save your changes.

Hopefully you found some goodies buried in this huge list of Thinkorswim download resources.

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Download the ThinkOrSwim Platform by TD Ameritrade for Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux

download the thinkorswim platform for windows

Download the ThinkOrSwim Platform

I’ve noticed before that sometimes TD Ameritrade makes it really hard to find where to download the ThinkOrSwim platform. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been at a new computer somewhere, wanting to trade or program something, and had to go search around the ThinkOrSwim website for what seems like a completely unreasonable amount of time to find the download link. So I finally decided to help myself and my fellow swimmers out by posting the direct links here on an easy-to-access page that can be easily bookmarked too, if needed frequently. So without further ado, here are the ThinkOrSwim download links:

Windows 64-Bit:

Windows 32-Bit:

Mac OS X:

Ubuntu Linux:

Once you complete the download and launch the installer, here’s a quick final thought on installation options. If it makes sense in your situation, I would definitely suggest choosing the option to “install for all users,” especially if you plan to share or install any thinkScripts in the future. The ThinkOrSwim platform’s sharing links don’t really work as well unless the platform is installed for all users of the computer.